
I am a researcher working at the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, CNRS. We are located in the south of France. Explore this site to know more about what we do.

Research projects

Brain circuits of emotional and affective responses

Balancing appetitive and aversive motivations is essential for most animals to eat without being eaten. In humans, this interplay of motivations is required for appropriate decision making. These processes are controlled by parallel and sometimes overlapping brain circuits, commonly referred to reward and aversion systems. Though originally studied as separate somehow opposite circuits, current research including work from our laboratory demonstrated that this is an oversimplification


Development of novel therapies for the treatment of anxiety and depression

Mental disorders such as depression afflict a large portion of the world population, with significant societal costs, yet novel therapeutic developments have not been achieved. Using the mouse chronic social stress model of depression, we and others have previously shown an alteration on the dopamine neurons of the ventral tegmental area of the brain. Abnormal dopamine signaling is directly linked to symptoms of depression such as social aversion and anhedonia. carry out a state-of-the-art therapy discovery program.

Get in touch at fernandez@ipmc.cnrs.fr